Am 12.02.2014 20:46, schrieb Josh Boyer:
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 2:42 PM, Reindl Harald <> wrote:
>> Am 12.02.2014 20:26, schrieb Peter Oliver:
>>> On 10 February 2014 16:42, Till Maas <> wrote:
>>>> Isn't AutoQA already running these kind of checks?
>>> Here's an example:
>> worthless as long "results are informative only"
>> it only will get effective if the build is purged until it passes
> That is untrue.  I've pulled builds myself when I notice this fails.
> Please don't generalize like that.  It's effective and useful for
> maintainers that pay attention
stats would be interesting how many pay attention in case
they not get hurted noticeable

many maintainers do not pay attention if it does not hurt

otherwise systemd-bugs, bugs/typos in systemd-units and
systemd itself logged with every single "systemctl daemon-reload"
or reboot would not make it in GA releases and stay there over months

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