On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 05:51:31AM -0500, Christian Schaller wrote:
> What I mean to say is that Red Hat has a business motive to support the
> Fedora community, if supporting Fedora was a pure act of charity then I
> think organizations like the Red Cross or Unicef would have a much better
> chance of getting the money.

This is certainly true, but the benefits to Red Hat also go far beyond the
immediate return on investment. And, many of those benefits simply do not
happen for Red Hat if the company does not _genuinely_ invest in community
support, including beyond current, obvious product connections. I know you
know that, but it doesn't come across clearly in your statements.

And, of course, for many Red Hatters, it's deeper than the cold financial
calculus. We care about this project and its values, and that's why we're

Matthew Miller    --   Fedora Project    --    <mat...@fedoraproject.org>
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