
be sure after the style of replies like yours i will
hestitate try to make compilemts again in the public
because the aggresive way you react leads nowhere else
then flamewars

Am 25.01.2014 21:26, schrieb Haïkel Guémar:
> Le 25/01/2014 20:40, Reindl Harald a écrit :
>> i think sometimes some nice words are worth
>> F19/F20 so far are great releases with nearly zero regressions
>> possibly because RHEL7 is cooked based on F19/F20 and partyl Rawhide
> No, all the merit is due to Fedora contributors and our efforts to improve 
> the quality of the overall distro.
> Fedora is *community-driven*, implying that RHEL7 may be one of the cause of 
> that success is rude to the
> contributors whether they are paid or not by Red Hat

wow - even if someone makes a compliment it is taken rude - impressive

the difference shortly before a new RHEL release is that the timeframe
is *much* more important for the RH folks than some random release

accept it or not - you can't change the facts - period

>> the only downside currently are some systemd mis-behaviors hopefully
>> resolved before F19 is EOL and F20 becomes mandatory on servers
>> i really appreciate the distribution and only wish some major
>> features in F15-F17 would not appear again from the viewpoint
>> of their user-impact by "be first for a too high price"
> "In cauda venenum"
> Please read Fedora mission statement:

i do not need to read it 100 times

> "The Fedora Project's mission is to *lead* the advancement of free and open 
> source software and content as a
> collaborative community." (emphasis is mine)

so what - lead does not mean "lead for every price at any moment of time"

> I'm proud that we did these disruptive changes, because if we didn't, they 
> might never have happened

you could be even more proud if they would have happened anyways
but not that disruptive

> Many Fedora contributors feel the same (and a consequent number disagree too).
> We're not doing to get the first place, just to bring and help mature the 
> changes we feel right: systemd is one of
> them. And what happened later proved us that we were right.

and systemd with the state of F16/F17 and more server packages converted to 
would not have been that disruptive - period - in general systemd is a great 
and honestly before F15 was released the description and goals where things i 
really loved
to see, but not in a hurry, not in that state

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