On 23 January 2014 11:48, Josh Boyer <jwbo...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Tom Hughes <t...@compton.nu> wrote:
> > Personally I think a lot of it has to do with the way the whole thing
> seemed
> > to be a fait accompli such that there seemed to be little point doing
> > anything other than sitting back and seeing what happened.
> >
> > You know, the way one minute it was just a suggestion from one member of
> the
> > community and the next minute it was all decided and people were busy
> > forming working groups to sort out the details. Apparently that
> miraculous
> > transition happened at Flock, but for anybody that wasn't there it was
> as if
> > it was a god given edict that had been handed down on tablets of stone
> that
> > Fedora.next was happening and we should all just be good little children
> and
> > get on with it.
> There _was_ a lot that was discussed and presented at Flock.  It's
> kind of the purpose of Flock (and FUDCon before that).  Get people
> together to have big discussions in a high bandwith fashion.  And yes,
> that can mean that those not in attendance are left to catch up a bit
> (though at least with Flock we tried to stream all the sessions to
> help with that).
> However, it wasn't decided at Flock.  It was presented after Flock to
> FESCo, in the normal, online FESCo meetings.  It went further from
> there to the Board via the usual channels.  All of this was done as
> any other proposal would normally be handled.  Perhaps the only
> unusual thing was the relative lack of debate and delay.
My view of the matter was pretty much the same as Tom's and I was at FLOCK.
The language at the sessions I attended was not one of "We would like to do
this" but that it was a done thing. I realize a lot of that is the 'get
shit done because we are all together' mentality which comes from
conferences but by the time I left FLOCK I was pretty sure this was all
done and either get in the boat or get out. I wasn't even aware of the
FESCO items until this email as I figured it had been done and decided at

Fedora.NEXT became irrelevant to me when I realized the committees were
mostly hand-chosen versus elected like FESCO. I realize that was to get
stuff done versus having a bunch of bureaucratci elections, but it snuffed
whatever 'joy' I was going to have to participate in as a 'non-voting'
member of a committee. The best way for me to allow the people to get work
they wanted to get done was to get out of the way, and so I have. Now that
I am asked why I am not enthused, I am explaining.

Stephen J Smoogen.
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