On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 09:44:43PM +0100, Mattias Ellert wrote:
> tis 2013-12-10 klockan 12:18 -0500 skrev Darryl L. Pierce:
> > > Of all the packages I
> > > maintain, only one was affected by this issue. That one was easily
> > > solvable by deleting the bundled swig generated code in the sources and
> > > have the build regenerate it with a newer swig version that doesn't
> > > produce broken code.
> > 
> > Our project isn't bundling any Swig generated code. It's generated as a
> > part of the build process. Try not to make assumptions in future.
> Where did I make this assumption?

I quoted your assumption:

"Don't use swig as an excuse not to fix things."

But you deleted that line when replying.

> The description of my experience was
> supposed to tell something about swig. That older versions had problems
> but newer does not. No reflection on your project was intended
> whatsoever.

Your experience is nothing like mine. We don't bundle any "swig
generated code in the sources". As I said, all of the Swig generated
code is generated by swig is generated _as part of the build process_.
None of it is bundled with our sources.

Darryl L. Pierce <mcpie...@gmail.com>
"What do you care what people think, Mr. Feynman?"

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