Below are the minutes from today's Blocker Review Meeting. We made it through all the listed blocker and freeze exception proposals. Looking forward to the Go/No-Go Meeting tomorrow...
========================================== #fedora-blocker-review: F20-blocker-review ========================================== Meeting started by pschindl at 17:00:04 UTC. Minutes: Minutes (text): Log: Meeting summary --------------- * Roll Call (pschindl, 17:00:08) * Introduction (pschindl, 17:02:00) * Our purpose in this meeting is to review proposed blocker and nice-to-have bugs and decide whether to accept them, and to monitor the progress of fixing existing accepted blocker and nice-to-have bugs. (pschindl, 17:02:04) * We'll be following the process outlined at: (pschindl, 17:02:06) * LINK: (pschindl, 17:02:07) * The bugs up for review today are available at: (pschindl, 17:02:09) * LINK: (pschindl, 17:02:11) * The criteria for release blocking bugs can be found at: (pschindl, 17:02:14) * LINK: (pschindl, 17:02:16) * LINK: (pschindl, 17:02:18) * LINK: (pschindl, 17:02:26) * 7 Proposed Blockers (pschindl, 17:02:26) * 15 Accepted Blockers (pschindl, 17:02:27) * 2 Proposed Freeze Exceptions (pschindl, 17:02:27) * 14 Accepted Freeze Exceptions (pschindl, 17:02:27) * (1026834) method= combined with 'url' in kickstart fails to find packages, in certain situations (pschindl, 17:02:59) * LINK: (pschindl, 17:03:01) * Proposed Blocker, anaconda, NEW (pschindl, 17:03:03) * AGREED: 1026834 - RejectedBlocker AcceptedFreezeException - Non-functional method affects only virt users and post-release users won't be probably affected. Rejected as blocker but it's consider as FE (pschindl, 17:11:18) * (1037626) AttributeError: can't set attribute (pschindl, 17:11:34) * LINK: (pschindl, 17:11:36) * Proposed Blocker, anaconda, MODIFIED (pschindl, 17:11:38) * AGREED: 1037626 - AcceptedBlocker - Broken text installation violates final criterion: "When using the dedicated installer images, the installer must be able to complete an installation using the text, graphical and VNC installation interfaces." (pschindl, 17:15:13) * (1037767) Text install : Error in sys.excepthook (pschindl, 17:15:18) * LINK: (pschindl, 17:15:20) * Proposed Blocker, anaconda, POST (pschindl, 17:15:22) * AGREED: 1037767 - AcceptedBlocker - Reporting failures on ARM violates criterion: "The installer must be able to report failures to Bugzilla, with appropriate information included." (pschindl, 17:29:53) * (1037934) 'unable to allocate aligned partition' errors keep occurring when trying to create partitions on iSCSI device, and does...other...odd...stuff (pschindl, 17:30:05) * LINK: (pschindl, 17:30:07) * Proposed Blocker, anaconda, NEW (pschindl, 17:30:09) * 1037934 - needs more information. Now it's 2:1 against bug. Punt for more information. (pschindl, 17:38:01) * (881624) U.S. keyboard layout used for encryption passphrase entry during fedup second phase (pschindl, 17:38:18) * LINK: (pschindl, 17:38:20) * Proposed Blocker, fedup, NEW (pschindl, 17:38:22) * LINK: is the log of previous discussion , search '881624' to find it (adamw, 17:42:44) * (1036961) Setting up bridge via NetworkManager gui in Gnome fails (pschindl, 17:55:49) * LINK: (pschindl, 17:55:51) * Proposed Blocker, NetworkManager, NEW (pschindl, 17:55:53) * AGREED: 1036961 - RejectedBlocker - Non-functional bridge NetworkManager setting is not considered as essential funcionality. (pschindl, 17:59:47) * (1037688) /root has 755 permissions - should be 550 (pschindl, 18:00:13) * LINK: (pschindl, 18:00:15) * Proposed Blocker, rootfiles, MODIFIED (pschindl, 18:00:17) * AGREED: 1037688 - AcceptedBlocker - Wrong /root permission on livecd is considered to violated Final Security criteria: "The release must contain no known security bugs of 'important' or higher impact..." (pschindl, 18:12:13) * (881624) U.S. keyboard layout used for encryption passphrase entry during fedup second phase (pschindl, 18:12:59) * LINK: (pschindl, 18:13:01) * Proposed Blocker, fedup, NEW (pschindl, 18:13:03) * LINK: (adamw, 18:17:10) * LINK: maybe, pschindl (roshi, 18:26:32) * AGREED: 881624 - AcceptedBlocker - With this bug people with non-US keyboard won't be able to upgrade. Violates criterion: "For each one of the release-blocking package sets, it must be possible to successfully complete an upgrade from a fully updated installation of the previous stable Fedora release with that package set installed. " (pschindl, 18:27:25) * (1037913) thunderbird in F20 stable incorrectly excludes arm arches (kparal, 18:29:12) * LINK: (kparal, 18:29:12) * Proposed Freeze Exceptions, thunderbird, MODIFIED (kparal, 18:29:12) * AGREED: 1037913 - AcceptedFreezeException - This will be considered as a freeze exception. (kparal, 18:31:17) * (1037789) Midori segfaults when using default search engine (kparal, 18:31:27) * LINK: (kparal, 18:31:28) * Proposed Freeze Exceptions, webkitgtk, ASSIGNED (kparal, 18:31:28) * AGREED: 1037789 - AcceptedFreezeException - This will be considered as a freeze exception if the fix is timely and does not affect other architectures. (kparal, 18:45:34) * (1020974) incorrectly treats a disk with partially corrupt GPT as having no partition at all (kparal, 18:46:38) * LINK: (kparal, 18:46:38) * Accepted Blocker, anaconda, ASSIGNED (kparal, 18:46:38) * this is implemented and tested, we're waiting for a new build (kparal, 18:48:13) * (1027947) Cannot change a partition's size, then return it to the original size (kparal, 18:49:07) * LINK: (kparal, 18:49:08) * Accepted Blocker, anaconda, ASSIGNED (kparal, 18:49:08) * there are still use cases when anaconda crashes, kparal will add more info soon (kparal, 18:54:57) * (1036705) BootLoaderError: bootloader install failed when /boot on RAID 10(?) (kparal, 18:55:50) * LINK: (kparal, 18:55:50) * Accepted Blocker, anaconda, NEW (kparal, 18:55:51) * anaconda intends to disallow /boot on LVM, which should prevent this bug (kparal, 18:56:45) * (1035531) Fedora 20 final release notes required for GA (kparal, 18:57:59) * LINK: (kparal, 18:57:59) * Accepted Blocker, fedora-release-notes, MODIFIED (kparal, 18:57:59) * a new update is pushed, needs karma (kparal, 18:58:51) * (1024223) fedup 19->20 failed with DVD iso upgrade (kparal, 18:59:34) * LINK: (kparal, 18:59:34) * Accepted Blocker, fedup, MODIFIED (kparal, 18:59:34) * a patch is pushed, wwoods should create a new build soon (kparal, 19:00:21) * (864198) grubby fatal error updating grub.cfg when /boot is btrfs (and anaconda allows the creation of such a layout in custom partitioning) (kparal, 19:02:08) * LINK: (kparal, 19:02:08) * Accepted Blocker, grubby, ASSIGNED (kparal, 19:02:08) * also being prevented by disallowing /boot on btrfs (kparal, 19:02:56) * patch ready, waiting for new build (kparal, 19:03:10) * (1004621) plasma-nm doesn't attempt to connect to any listed networks on Fedora KDE live (kparal, 19:03:44) * LINK: (kparal, 19:03:44) * Accepted Blocker, kde-plasma-nm, ON_QA (kparal, 19:03:44) * the linked update is not related, TC4 should contain kdm instead of sddm, so that this can be tested (kparal, 19:06:40) * (1032921) KDE f20 TC2 x86_64 fails to shutdown from menu bar (kparal, 19:07:33) * LINK: (kparal, 19:07:33) * Accepted Blocker, kde-workspace, NEW (kparal, 19:07:33) * this needs testing with TC4, instructions are present in the bug (kparal, 19:08:55) * this also might be influenced by systemd slow startup bug (kparal, 19:09:56) * (1035536) Final spin-kickstarts build required for Fedora 20 GA (kparal, 19:10:41) * LINK: (kparal, 19:10:41) * Accepted Blocker, spin-kickstarts, ASSIGNED (kparal, 19:10:41) * a new update is ready, needs karma (kparal, 19:11:30) * (1006386) Journal flushing often slow, can prevent system booting correctly (kparal, 19:13:11) * LINK: (kparal, 19:13:11) * Accepted Blocker, systemd, MODIFIED (kparal, 19:13:11) * there is an update and some testing going on. more testers welcome (kparal, 19:15:05) * (1026860) Instantiated service is not run, it stays in inactive state (and systemd debug log does not state why) (kparal, 19:19:01) * LINK: (kparal, 19:19:01) * Accepted Blocker, systemd, NEW (kparal, 19:19:01) * this seems to be still broken and waiting for developers (kparal, 19:20:06) * Open Floor (kparal, 19:22:20) * 1023178 - RPM GPG key not imported on live images (kparal, 19:22:40) * LINK: (kparal, 19:22:44) * Open Floor (kparal, 19:29:40) * GNOME Bug 709027 - List mode has black background (kparal, 19:36:41) * LINK: (kparal, 19:36:48) * LINK: (adamw, 19:41:34) * Open Floor (kparal, 19:42:03) Meeting ended at 19:42:40 UTC. Action Items ------------ Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * kparal (230) * adamw (214) * pschindl (88) * cmurf (83) * roshi (77) * ignatenkobrain (67) * Viking-Ice (66) * nirik (51) * jreznik (48) * pwhalen (29) * handsome_pirate (18) * mkolman (16) * danofsatx (14) * zodbot (9) * mkrizek (8) * greenlion_ (4) * randomuser (1) * satellit_ (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`:
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