Am 12.11.2013 12:25, schrieb James Hogarth:
> Did you edit the key for both the IP address and the hostname in known_hosts?

no, because i tried to show in which cases the message
the OP wnats to see is *not* given

> It's feasible that if you only changed the hostname and not the IP based one 
> behaviour would be different.
> Indeed if I just ssh-keygen -R fqdn and then ssh to a box after the key has 
> changed there will be similar
> complaints as it verifies on the latter too.
>     and now you can explain me where is the difference in the key on the
>     server has changed and having a different but valid key than the
>     servers one on "known_hosts"
> It can't... but you have to be sure you have edited any entries that may 
> apply and that it is absolutely correct on
> the change ... frankly it's quicker and simpler to test via changing the 
> target host's key rather than your
> known_hosts

and that this is needed shows IMHO a bug because it should
in all cases give out the same warning message

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