On Mon, Nov 04, 2013 at 03:51:26PM -0500, Sam Kottler wrote:
> > 
> > What's PRD stand for?
> Product requirements document [1]
> -Sam
> 1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud_PRD#About_this_Document
Ah... We might be a bit different in this WG as we aren't one of the product
working groups... On the other hand, after talking with mattdm, I think that
our role is the least defined of all the working groups.  So if we start
working on things like "SCLs outside of the main Fedora Repository" then we
may well want to have a product description for that.  It would likely be
a separate PRD for each such project though, rather than one PRD that covers
the whole group.

We likely do want a document that says what our scope is, though.


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