Am 04.11.2013 20:12, schrieb drago01:
> On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 8:05 PM, Reindl Harald <> wrote:
>> Am 04.11.2013 19:33, schrieb Alberto Ruiz:
>>> It is outrageous that it's 2013 and I still have to upgrade my whole
>>> system just to get the latest LibreOffice version to name an example.
>> no it is the reason why who have tousands of packages which are working
>> togehter and get security updates for all involved libraries instead
>> having the windows nightmare of nobody in the world is knowing which
>> vulernerable code sleeps in what random application
>> having *a distribution* is one of the best things Linux systems are
>> providing compared to crap like Apple/Microsoft, throwing that away
>> is a straight road to make Fedora obsolete at all
>> someoby does not like the concept -> fine, use another OS - period
> Like it or not people already do use alternative distribution models
> for those use cases (try to download firefox from the homepage for
> instance).
> Given people tools to do it properly hurts because of __ ?

wasted time?

[harry@srv-rhsoft:~]$ rpm -q firefox

why should somebody download Firefo from the homepage?
because he do not know how to handle his system?

then explain how to handle it instead work around while seeking
solutions for non-existing problems - guess what: i have running
no single application which si not installed with RPM and you can
be sure that my workflow covers anything from office to development

ok - two exceptions - VMware Workstation and ZendStudio
both are running since years on Fedora systems @home as
well @work on 4 different workstations

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