On Mon, 2013-08-26 at 15:04 -0400, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Adam Williamson (awill...@redhat.com) said: 
> > > I should remember to check common bugs, but since I follow this list I'm 
> > > normally familiar with the existing issues.  But after looking at the 
> > > entry, it wouldn't have been helpful to my case since it says there 
> > > shouldn't be any issues.  
> > 
> > Yeah. We need to fix that. The problem is that now I know it *does*
> > cause some issues, but I still don't know *what* issues. Bill was
> > supposed to be looking into it and updating the bug, but unless I missed
> > a comment, he didn't get around to it yet.
> I belive the patches posted in that bug will make the behavior better, and
> more predictable. However, I don't maintain either component in question,
> and it involves changing their behavior, so while I *could* just
> provenpackager the changes in, I figure I'd wait for a go-ahead from the
> actual maintainers.
That's kind of orthogonal, though. We *definitely* need to fix it going
forward, and that should take priority, but I was also hoping - and
thought you had kindly volunteered - that we could determine with as
much detail as possible what the exact status and consequences of the
F19 situation were, and update the bug report and commonbugs page with
that information.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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