On Tue, 03 Sep 2013 10:16:25 -0400
"Kaleb S. KEITHLEY" <kkeit...@redhat.com> wrote:

> FYI,
> I have just tried to do a `yum --releasever=20 distro-sync` (of an
> f19 box) and it aborts with the error that the systemd rpm isn't
> signed.
> (Yes, I know I can use --nogpgcheck to get around the problem.)

Yes, this is perfectly normal until alpha change freeze (which is

After today (ie, tomorrows compose), all packages should be signed. 

The reason for this is that currently builds are much like rawhide
ones, they build, get added to the buildroot and then go out in the
next days compose. Even if we had someone signing packages right before
compose, some new quick build could come in at the last minute and get
into the build before we could sign it. Only after we enable bodhi at
change freeze so we gate things going into the compose can we be sure
to sign everything. 


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