that's the truth behind the theory and no i can not help to debug this because i spent the last month in dbmail upstream debugging until find out that the last issues are simply caused by the *non*-drop-in-replacement and i have to return to my daily job for now -------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Fwd: [Dbmail] MariaDB and dbmail Datum: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 23:37:13 +0200 Von: Reindl Harald <> An: Mailing-List dbmail <>, Mailing-List mariadb <"maria-discuss"> please can someone from the MariaDB developers MariaDB 5.5.32 is running here on test-machines this is todays feedback of the dbmail core-developer and beause more and more distributions including Fedora/OpenSuSE and AFAIK even RHEL7 switch to MariaDB this is a *serious* problem which is not what a "drop-in replacement" should do and a show-stopper rollout Fedora 19 at all in the near future > Anyway, MariaDB doesn't even pass the basic unit-tests > > Looks like this maybe libzdb related. The ordering of the query > retrieving mime parts is ok on the console, but *not* when looping > over the result in libzdb. > > MariaDB is *no-go* at this moment. Just what I experienced a year > ago or so. I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll hold 3.1.4 for that > not a regression at all. -------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Re: [Dbmail] MariaDB and dbmail Datum: Tue, 02 Apr 2013 19:47:15 +0400 Von: Sergej Pupykin <> An: DBMail mailinglist <> At Thu, 20 Sep 2012 10:46:52 +0800, zamri <> wrote: > MariaDB is fully compatible with MySQL. Migration is done. So far so good. > Phewww!... > > Now I need to do some research on tuning mariadb if needed. I found that after migration following SQL returns wrong sorted data: SELECT l.part_key, l.part_depth, l.part_order, l.is_header, DATE_FORMAT(ph.internal_date,GET_FORMAT(DATETIME,'ISO')), data FROM dbmail_mimeparts p JOIN dbmail_partlists l ON = l.part_id JOIN dbmail_physmessage ph ON = l.physmessage_id WHERE l.physmessage_id = <ID> ORDER BY l.part_key,l.part_order ASC; however when I run it from command line it works well. Probably it does not fail always because of not all emails damaged. Not sure if it caused by migration to mariadb, but problem appeared near same time
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