Thanks to those that were able to join us for the status meeting today, for 
those unable the minutes are posted below:

Minutes (text):

#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora ARM weekly status meeting

Meeting summary
* 0) Status of ACTION items from our previous meeting  (pwhalen,
  * LINK:
    (pwhalen, 19:32:34)
  * no ACTION items last week  (pwhalen, 19:32:34)
  * ARM in primary koji is up and running well.  Tnx dgilmore.
    (bconoboy, 19:35:04)

* 1) Problem packages  (pwhalen, 19:36:13)
  * LINK: F20 failed build list (not just arm) is at  (bconoboy, 19:37:32)
  * LINK: to pandoc -
    (pwhalen, 19:40:02)

* 2) Kernel Status Update  (pwhalen, 19:45:49)
  * As of kernel-3.11.0-0.rc4.git1.1.fc20, things are getting better,
    with a few exceptions  (bconoboy, 19:49:33)
  * trimslice: networking is broken  (bconoboy, 19:49:40)
  * omap: not booting  (bconoboy, 19:49:51)
  * highbank: working  (bconoboy, 19:50:35)
  * vepxress: text console okay, gui broken  (bconoboy, 19:51:04)
  * getting Kyle a hardware debugger for OMAP  (jonmasters, 19:51:33)
  * exynos, beaglebone, allwinner not tested with latest kernel yet
    (bconoboy, 19:52:57)

* 3) Aarch64 Status Update  (pwhalen, 19:53:35)
  * 11840/13606 packages built for aarch64  (pwhalen, 19:54:26)
  * qt is biggest package blocker, followed by ghc and v8, everything
    else blocks only a few dozen packages each  (bconoboy, 20:00:00)
  * We need to move to building F20 packages soon before circular
    dependencies force us to re-bootstrap.  (bconoboy, 20:00:49)

* 4) Hardware support in F20  (pwhalen, 20:02:09)
  * Many new boards are possible to support with kernel 3.11  (bconoboy,
  * ACTION: dgilmore, kylem, pbrobinson to put heads together at FLOCK
    to discuss which boards are viable from kernel/uboot perspective
    (bconoboy, 20:13:23)
  * ACTION: If you are at flock, please join in the discussion
    (bconoboy, 20:13:47)
  * We will review this topic next week with results  (bconoboy,

* 5) Open Floor  (pwhalen, 20:15:03)
  * LINK: nb   (dgilmore, 20:16:21)
  * LINK:
    (dgilmore, 20:16:31)
  * thread with u-boot upstream on standadising features  (dgilmore,
  * ACTION: one thing we need is a script to install various u-boots
    into sdcards  (dgilmore, 20:25:11)
  * LINK:
    (dgilmore, 20:33:02)
  * LINK:
    (dgilmore, 20:33:12)
  * link to nightly images  (dgilmore, 20:33:22)

Meeting ended at 20:35:04 UTC.

Action Items
* dgilmore, kylem, pbrobinson to put heads together at FLOCK to discuss
  which boards are viable from kernel/uboot perspective
* If you are at flock, please join in the discussion
* one thing we need is a script to install various u-boots into sdcards

Action Items, by person
* dgilmore
  * dgilmore, kylem, pbrobinson to put heads together at FLOCK to
    discuss which boards are viable from kernel/uboot perspective
* kylem
  * dgilmore, kylem, pbrobinson to put heads together at FLOCK to
    discuss which boards are viable from kernel/uboot perspective
* pbrobinson
  * dgilmore, kylem, pbrobinson to put heads together at FLOCK to
    discuss which boards are viable from kernel/uboot perspective
  * If you are at flock, please join in the discussion
  * one thing we need is a script to install various u-boots into

People Present (lines said)
* bconoboy (71)
* dgilmore (41)
* pbrobinson (32)
* pwhalen (29)
* jonmasters (27)
* masta (18)
* zodbot (10)
* adamw (6)
* kylem (5)
* jsmith (4)
* mjg59 (3)
* ahs3 (2)
* mcpierce (1)
* dmarlin (1)
* jcapik (1)
* msalter (0)
* ddd_ (0)
* ctyler (0)
* agreene (0)
* handsome_pirate (0)

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