On Saturday 27 July 2013 18:36:23 Matthew Garrett wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 01:12:25PM +0300, Oron Peled wrote:
> > On the other hand, aliasing root to the installing user in /etc/aliases
> > is trivial and adding the local spool mailbox as a default to MUA's
> > would make these mails *visible by default* to that user.
> Really? I'd expect most users to be using gmail at this point. Any
> solution needs to account for them as well.

1. By the same logic we can ship just a browser, why bother building
   LibreOffice if many use just google-docs?

2. People can still use gmail and other online services like twitter
   via desktop applications (in my case kmail and choqok respectively).

3. Having quality desktop experience is part of what gives value to any
   Linux distribution -- just see the heated debates about any desktop
   related issue.

4. The "sendmail" discussion raised two small but important points:
   * That our default MUA's (e.g: kmail, evolution) aren't configured to
     show our default Linux mailboxes on first startup.
   * That "root" mail is not redirected by default to the installing user.

5. While I, as a Linux/Unix veteran, would always "fix" these two items
   without even thinking -- they are definitely "integration-bugs" (or
   miss-features if you want).

Last side note: helping non-expert people get used to quality local
applications which have convenient defaults, is part of the push
for "Freedom" -- if both your data and your applications are locked
in vertical clouds, you aren't left with too much freedom.


Oron Peled                                 Voice: +972-4-8228492
o...@actcom.co.il                  http://users.actcom.co.il/~oron
"In theory, it's practical. In practice - it's only a theory".

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