On Thu, 25 Jul 2013 17:09:29 -0500
Dario Landazuri <da...@ots.utsystem.edu> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I'm wondering if exim is still being maintained as a package.  I've 

I hope so. 

> inherited an exim installation (among other software) that was
> installed from source, and I'd like to try and move to RHEL/EPEL
> packages where I can.  It looks like the last update/backport was
> done last November and EPEL still has 4.72, while exim.org is up to
> 4.80.

note that EPEL tries wherever possible to not push updates that are
incompatible. I have no idea if there's any incompatible config changes
or the like between those versions, but if there are that might be a
reason it's not been updated yet. 

The best way forward is to file a bug and ask the maintainer(s): 


Hopefully they will update it for you then, or explain why that might
not be possible. ;) 


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