Am 26.07.2013 15:32, schrieb Jóhann B. Guðmundsson:
> On 07/26/2013 01:07 PM, Michael Scherer wrote:
>> Working in IT @Red Hat, I concur, and I am pretty sure that no one has
>> all the information to make that estimation. Network, hosting and
>> storage are all under different budgets for different team, and all
>> aggregated ( cause the DC where RH host Fedora server is not dedicated
>> to Fedora, far from it ), and everybody has better things to do that
>> splitting usage by project
> Not following what you mean by project

split how many ressources (in hardware as well manpower) of whatever
server / service / infrastructure are used for RHEL5, RHEL6, Fedora,
internal Project A or Internal project B and calculate the seperated
costs from the total summary


* because people have better to do
* because split synergies thid way would lead to endless discussions

today you spent more time for optimize something for Project A
and tomorrow fpr Porject B - and now you can start a endless
flamewar if you want which positive side-effect caused by
one project was bigger or simply stop such discussions and
do the work with at less bureaucracy as possible

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