On 07/25/2013 01:45 AM, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 09:02:47AM +1000, Tony Breeds wrote:
As an aside, Any guesses as to how big the ~/fedora-git dir would be
after running the script above?
Upwards of 9GB. I'm working on a git-seed script right now and that's the
size of a checkout seed in the testing environment (which has an older sync
of the git repos).
If you're worried about the size, shallow clones could work for you in
this case: git clone --depth 1
Read the man page for the limitations.
It might not save too much space, though -- compressed history tends to
be small.
(`git fetch --unshallow` will bring in the history if you change your
mind later.)
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