Am 24.07.2013 13:11, schrieb Lennart Poettering: > On Mon, 22.07.13 19:33, Reindl Harald ( wrote: > >> Am 22.07.2013 18:29, schrieb Lennart Poettering: >>> If you want to centralize system configuration, rather then services, >>> then go ahead and do, that, but actually centralize *the configuration*, >>> not the service. In particular, because a centralized client-side SMTP >>> service is a really questionnable thing on today's Internet where SMTP >>> delivery connections are almost always authenticated by a *user* id >> >> which could be *easy* solved by ask the users SMTP and credentials >> at the installation, setup /etc/aliases as default forwarding the >> messages to this address and configure SASL authentication > > The second part of my mail that you conveniently removed actually > explains why that doesn't work: because the SASL auth is inherently > per-user configuration but in sendmail you can configure it only > globally for the client side. > > There is a major mismatch between per-user credentials which you need > for SMTP SASL and the per-system instance of sendmail
says who? i doubt that sendmail can not do the same as postfix if it is so the proposal should be switch to postfix as default MTA hence i have *infrastructure wide* SASL-sender/relayhost-maps in a global mysql-database feeded with a simple self developed php interface and each single sender can be configured to use a specific realyhost with specific credentials
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