On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 03:34:15PM -0400, Peter MacKinnon wrote:
> Well, compat libraries are certainly an option but I view that as a tactical
> solution to an institutional, um, challenge.
> And I believe that is what Matt is driving at: sustainable solutions that
> satisfy the user/admin need for stability and
> "cleanliness" while also providing an OS that developers from all manner of
> technology and language profiles would
> gravitate toward.
So actually... I think that I would describe the two strategies the other
way.  Bundling libraries into stacks is an expedient solution, not
a sustainable one.  As time goes on, you get more and more programs bundling
more and more.  Which means that there's more maintainance burden and less
sharing of that burden between interested stakeholders.  I'm not opposed to
trying to find a way to host the expedient solution but in the end, the
sustainable solution is to make changes to what is shipped.  At some point,
the software that gets bundled is only being maintained by a handful of
pople in the bundling project.  At that point, it gets real lonely when
a security issue or two pop up.


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