On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 08:47:14AM -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> Well. Will qemu still actually _run_ without glusterfs being present? If
> so, do we actually need to express a dependency on glusterfs?

No, I don't think so.  I think it'll fail to start up because of a
missing library.

We could change qemu so it includes the block drivers, but each block
drive dlopen(3)'s the special libraries it needs on start up, but that
would make the code more complex.

I really think the way to fix this is to make the block drivers
loadable, and that is something which as far as I understand is
desirable upstream too, just no one has written a set of patches which
is acceptable.

If we did this, packaging it right in Fedora would be simple; you'd
end up with:


which would be independently installable subpackages that would depend
on the correct libraries.


Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones
virt-top is 'top' for virtual machines.  Tiny program with many
powerful monitoring features, net stats, disk stats, logging, etc.
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