On Mon, 22.07.13 19:29, Matthew Miller (mat...@fedoraproject.org) wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 12:36:19AM +0200, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> > journald is in theory fine with 2^64 bytes per message. In practice (due
> > to the CPU cost of compressing large blobs with XZ while we write it to
> > disk) a few MB should be fine. Also, cronie will split up the messages
> > by line anyway if it logs to syslog instead of sendmail.
> That seems less good -- is there a way to reassemble the messages.

It does have clear advantages though: You can get a live view into the
output of a long-running job. If you queue everything up and only submit
it as one blob then the job would be completely opaque until complete.

With systemd's own job handling we generally only use line-by-line
loggin, but provide useful tools to then view them as one continous
stream ("journalctl -u foobar.service -o cat" for example).

But anyway, the journal doesn't make any restrictions. Whatever
philosophy services like cron prefer on this, we handle either.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.
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