On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 10:52 AM, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson"
<johan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 07/22/2013 04:41 PM, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
>> They chose to use a _downstream_ distribution. RHEL *is* Fedora, it's
>> just a Fedora that's been hardened and held to a certain level of
>> ABI/API compatibility.
> Which is my point exactly instead of helping increasing the overall quality
> of Fedora the infrastructure decide to run to another distribution.
> RHEL != Fedora

But it's not an objective of Fedora to have long-term-stable releases
suitable for running servers!  No one in their right mind runs any
rapid development distribution (not just Fedora) on critical

If you think Fedora should somehow transition into being a good
distribution for critical infrastructure, you'll have to propose some
radical changes to Fedora to make that happen.

It is a Good Thing that RHEL != Fedora. If RHEL did rapid development
instead of long term stable, people wouldn't buy it.  If Fedora did
long term stable instead of rapid development, we'd need yet another
distribution to do the rapid development.

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