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On 07/22/2013 11:32 AM, Miloslav Trmač wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Matthew Miller 
> <mat...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 04:30:32PM +0200, Miloslav Trmač wrote:
>>> How do I package and ship an application that depends on two or
>>> more stacks (e.g. uses a database, has a web frontend and
>>> perhaps also a local GUI) if the stacks the application depends
>>> on can have overlapping and therefore probably (necessarily?)
>>> conflicting software, different lifecycles and packaging
>>> methods?
>> I'm not suggesting a crazy free-for-all. If you have an
>> application which depends on multiple stacks, you would want to
>> select one technology for all of those stacks -- OpenShift
>> cartridges, or Software Collections, or Fedora Formulas.
> "If I have an application" that hasn't been explicitly written for 
> Fedora.next, it may already depend on multiple APIs/stacks and I
> may end up in a situation with no way to run that application.

With respect, how is that any different from the current situation?
For some projects, Fedora moves too fast and for others it moves too
slowly. I think the idea that Matt is putting together here involves
the possibility of mixing and matching dependency stacks so that I can
use the versions that I want for my project. In the outermost rings,
he also talks about relaxing the packaging requirements somewhat as
well (i.e. maybe we allow packaging a whole-app, bundled libs and all).

This is basically how many upstream projects are shipping their
software now; what we're discussing is how to make it easier for them
to ship it in Fedora (and easier still for users to consume it in
Fedora, ideally easier than following the installation instructions).

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