On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 03:29:57PM -0400, Matthew Miller wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 11:24:22AM -0400, Bohuslav Kabrda wrote:
> > 3) Making all livecd packages depend on Python 3 by default (and
> > eventually getting rid of Python 2 from livecd) - this will also require
> > switching from Yum to DNF as a default, that is supposed to support Python
> I have a concern about bloating @core and by extension the cloud image.
> Right now, python is about 5% of the total on-disk usage. I'd hate to see
> that go to 10%. Therefore, I'd like to see a goal of making the transition
> for usage in the base cloud image go entirely from python2 to python3 in 
> one release cycle.
> (Roughly, that's @core + cloud-init, which isn't currently on your list.)
This seems like a very very worthy goal.  I took a brief look at @core
(I didn't recurse down the whole dep chain so hopefully I didn't miss an
iceberg) and that looks doable.  The switch from yum to DNF is the big

cloud-init is python so it might need to be ported in and of itself.  Some
of its dependencies also don't have python3 ports:

* configobj -- no upstream python3 port and the third-party port never made
  it to a release (the code may work but it's unmaintained).  If someone
  is ready to become the upstream for this, indications are that it would be
  welcomed by both the port's original author and the original ConfigObj
* policycoreutils-python -- not sure if this interfaces with the C libraries
  or is about implementing higher level functionality.  Nearly anytime you
  interface with C you have to make choices about bytes vs text and problems
  with encoding.  That could slow up this work.
* python-boto -- Looks like there's a badly out-of-date branch in the
  upstream SCM repository to add python3 support.  That may be based on an
  API incompatible update, though (I see that there's work on boto3...)
  boto is going to need to talk over the wire to AWS so there's going to be
  a lot of places where bytes vs text decisions have to be made.  All in
  all, this package feels like it might be the hardest piece of the
  cloud-init porting.
* python-cheetah -- Development slowed way down after they made their last
  release in 2010 and announced that the next release cheetah-3.0 would
  include python3 support.  Probably need to contact upstream about this and
  may need to prepare the patch to do the port.


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