----- Original Message ----- > john.flor...@dart.biz (john.flor...@dart.biz) said: > > > Or you can de-install rsyslog and have everything as you love it. > > > > Which makes more sense: take a default and modify it via composition ... > > or take a default and modify it via decomposition? > > > > I'd always choose the former, regardless of the case or how convenient it > > was to me.
Taking your words seriously, the most sensible default is only install the core, nothing else. You want network? install network drivers, GUI? install desktop environment/WM. Show your languages? Install language support. For Next->Next->Ok type of users, this "default" will lead them just a .. core. No pretty GUI. :-) > > Exactly - adding to the minimal install is generally always a supported > operation. Removing from the minimal install is always a 'buyer beware' > or 'you get both pieces' operation. Didn't Jesse Keating said something like we don't offer minimal install other than uncheck the all boxes? Default is just an environment that most people expected to have, its much bigger that the minimal install. > > (Also, I do wonder if those who suggest unchecking rsyslog *in anaconda* > do regular interactive installs. That's not been offered for quite some time > now outside of kickstart.) That's because it is in core, which is always hidden from users. You can move it to standard and make it default. -- Ding-Yi Chen Software Engineer Internationalization Group DID: +61 7 3514 8239 Email: dc...@redhat.com Red Hat, Asia-Pacific Pty Ltd Level 1, 193 North Quay Brisbane 4000 Office: +61 7 3514 8100 Fax: +61 7 3514 8199 Website: www.redhat.com Red Hat, Inc. Facebook: Red Hat APAC | Red Hat Japan | Red Hat Korea | JBoss APAC Twitter: Red Hat APAC | Red Hat ANZ LinkedIn: Red Hat APAC | JBoss APAC -- devel mailing list devel@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel