----- Original Message -----
> On 07/17/2013 08:55 PM, Chris Adams wrote:
> > Once upon a time, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson"<johan...@gmail.com>  said:
> >> >Cut that number by half if you like if it somehow makes you feel
> >> >more comfortable but the fact we have around 550 - 600
> >> >service/daemons components in the distribution and still no policy
> >> >or work being done to properly package stuff that need/wants or uses
> >> >rsyslog/syslog-ng/logwatch/logrotate/logchec etc...
> > As you have been told repeatedly, your number does not represent what
> > you are claiming for many reasons:
> You do realize I filed for the exact same thing for F18 as is being
> proposed here.
> You do realize I asked FESCO just to disable rsyslogd even just up to
> beta so we in QA could catch any potential fallout this change which
> tools etc.
> You do realize I filed proposal to change the packaging guidelines so I
> could start working on making this transaction as painless as possible
> for our userbase
> You do realize that I'm all for this change

I do realize that you put a lot of effort,
and I do realize you do not need to do that much effort if you keep rsyslogd
as default.

Ding-Yi Chen
Software Engineer
Internationalization Group
DID: +61 7 3514 8239
Email: dc...@redhat.com

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