On Tue, Jul 09, 2013 at 01:00:27PM -0400, Josh Boyer wrote:
> >> = Proposed System Wide Change: ARM as primary Architecture =
> >> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ARM_as_Primary
> >
> > How many F19 packages currently fail to build (or are excluded but
> > shouldn't be) on ARM?  How do we stand against the other items of
> > https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Secondary_Architecture_Promotion_Requirements
> > ?
> I'm particularly curious about the developer resources and release
> criteria items.  The proposal calls out one kernel maintainer, which
> is great, but doesn't expand on how many others are doing ARM work.
> Is the ARM team on the hook to go through all of the existing QA
> criteria on ARM platforms and do they have enough resources to do
> this?

I wouldn't limit the things I'm willing to fix to the kernel. I'll
happily look into all ARM FTBFS.

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