On 07/04/2013 12:04 PM, Thomas Sailer wrote:
> I can operate the full gnome desktop with a mouse, the touchpad, and a
> digitizer pen. I can operate all applications with fingers. However, I
> cannot operate the gnome shell using fingers. When I tap on for example
> "Activities", the battery icon or a close button in a window title bar,
> that item gets highlighted, but nothing else happens. On Fedora 18, I
> could operate the shell with fingers too.

Maybe you can try to do a swipe from the desktop (outside the activity
button) towards the top left corner (passing through the activity
button). The problem I can see now is that if you have a fullscreen
application, this does not works :(

And for the battery icons and others, they used to only work while in
the overview mode (it's a known bug, mentioned by Florian). However, I
just gave it a try today, and it was working correctly.

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