On Wed, 2013-06-19 at 12:23 +0200, Nicolas Mailhot wrote: > Le Mer 19 juin 2013 10:07, Krzysztof Daniel a écrit : > > Hello everyone, > > > I'd like to be able to define a build trigger for Eclipse, so when a > > "vital" dependency changes, Eclipse is rebuild, BR/R are updated, and a > > bodhi update is performed. And I get a notification :-). > > > > Is there a way to do so? > > You don't need a special trigger. You need your requirements to match the > constraints declared at the rpm level, then incompatibilities will be > caught at this level by normal distro tooling. > > Regards, > > -- > Nicolas Mailhot >
Not really. I can set up BR/R in two ways: (greater or equal) or exact match. The problem with greater or equal is that Eclipse internally reads a bundle manifest, and records a version, which sometimes can change after plain rebuild (because a timestamp is added). Plain Eclipse example: Eclipse requires jetty, and it symlinks a jetty bundles. org.eclipse.jetty.http_9.0.3.v20130506.jar -> /usr/share/java/jetty/jetty-http.jar OSGI records that there is a file org.eclipse.jetty.http_9.0.3.v20130506.jar that holds a plugin with version 9.0.3.v20130506. That version goes at the build time in a couple of places (including metabundle). If jetty is rebuilt, and it changes let's say to 9.0.4 (minor update), Eclipse metadata gets out of sync. Eclipse sees a jar org.eclipse.jetty.http_9.0.3.v20130506.jar, but version inside the manifest is 9.0.4. Since at the build time Eclipse used 9.0.3, a lot of meta bundles will not be resolved. At this point I can only rebuild Eclipse (yes, the build works even if Eclipse is not working). Exact match can't be used at all, because if jetty is updated, then it will be impossible to install Eclipse. -- Krzysztof Daniel <kdan...@redhat.com> Red Hat -- devel mailing list devel@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel