
Found a solution to update service configuration according component
(namely database) found needed during the application first start.

using file /etc/systemd/system/clement.service
(which is a (RPM no replace) legit configuration file).

contents is
#this is the local configuration file to systemd clement.service
.include /lib/systemd/system/clement.service

On the first application start
systemctl start clement

application autoconfig process notice sysadmin selected a data-base
(lets say 'postgrsql') then autoconfig add to

#added by clement install

then auto install issue a
systemctl --system daemon-reload

All is done via ExecStartPre script detecting the very first application

Such, next time, application is started we are sure needed data-base daemon is
up and running.
I believe this keep systemd goal (and implementation) to keep starting
dependency up to date.
I tested this with both MySQL and PostgreSQL and it seems to be
working no trouble.


A bientôt
Jean-Marc Pigeon                        E-Mail: j...@safe.ca
SAFE Inc.                             Phone: (514) 493-4280
  Clement, 'a kiss solution' to get rid of SPAM (at last)
     Clement' Home base <"http://www.clement.safe.ca";>

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