On 06/17/2013 03:47 PM, Colin Walters wrote:
>Maybe you should accept the truth that is instead of accusing others
>of lying here.
I was not accusing you of lying, merely of perpetuating what I consider
an inaccurate characterization of reality.

Could the team do more?
Of course.

Do some Red Hat GNOME maintaners almost completely ignore RH Bugzilla?

But there are others who do respond to bugs?
Yes, even a brief investigation with a list of email addresses and the
Bugzilla search page would show that.

Could we do with less hyperbole?

We as a community in whole cannot deal with issues like these ( and others ) until we have the means to properly health ( reports vs resolve + the time it took ) monitor a component in the distribution.

Once we have that the QA community could do the triaging work to reduce the reports while it was being advertised in the community if some other maintainers could step up and assist if the component maintainership was in "bad shape"

We probably could implement some kind of time,share process at that time as well to prevent maintainers to overload themselves which has a tendency to lead to maintainers either burning out or simply ignore all work and us loosing reporters and what not.

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