14.05.2013 03:38, Todd Zullinger пишет:
Eugene Pivnev wrote:
libgnome-keyring is minimal problem (ok - is _not_ problem at all; although I'm surprised that _console_ git depends on DE-specific library).

I just recently made use of libgnome-keyring via python-keyring for a console application I wrote. I thought it was quite handy to be able to add this ability and save a little effort for something I use regularly for work (a paste app). Like git's use, my usage of the keyring libraries was entirely optional and falls back gracefully to other methods. The cost in code and time would be far greater to make that optional bit a plugin or a subpackage. It was definitely not worth my time to save < 300k of disk for the mythical system I might want to install where I try to trim down the minimal install even further.

We can stop talking about git using libgnome-keyring now, right? :)

No problem!
Subject was "qt without gtk".
I can recall other problems:
* librsvg2 -> gtk3 - (as I know - fixed, but for F19+)
* xscreensaver_base -> libglade2 -> gtk2 (demo/configure tool)
* opencv -> gtk2

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