On 05/02/2013 09:07 AM, Bjorn Munch wrote:> On 01/05 11.58, Michael
Schwendt wrote:
>> On Tue, 30 Apr 2013 15:08:08 +0200, Bjorn Munch wrote:
>>> Since I do not yet have a sponsor, I cannot upload to
>>> fedorapeople.org.
>> That is misinformation. Note the bottom of the following paragraph:
> I have registered on fedoraproject.org and added my ssh key but I
> could not upload. I'm not quite sure what I needed to do and in which
> order. It doesn't quite follow the normal pattern since I'm not adding
> a *new* package, just offering to keep maintaining an existing one.
I'm really glad to see some real action from your part finally. Just
generally, package renaming is more or less "new package process" +
"retiring process" together, so you can safely follow new package
> I have just submitted a request for rename of the package
> community-mysql "back" to mysql-community:
However, I need to repeat that this could have some impact to choosing
default package when asking for "mysql" name, as I've described at:
I admit that the example there is not very common case, but since there
*is* at least one existing, I'd rather stick with less nice, but more
safe name community-mysql. How can you ensure that there is not any
other (potentially more common) use case where something similar can
happen? Testing several common use cases where mysql-community works is
not an argument for me, since yum is too complex for this.
One recent example -- I've found that perl-DBD-MySQL got build against
community-mysql few weeks back, when the current builds of
community-mysql and mariadb were already in the repo. Honestly, I don't
have a clue how that could happen, but it was another proof for me, that
we should take the safest way as we could. Fortunately, in this case
removing mysql-devel and mysql-embedded-devel providers from
community-mysql packages should work fine.
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