On 2013-04-29 15:07 (GMT+0200) Sandro Mani composed:

From time to time, when setting up virtual machines for testing, I miss a
fast way to install the minimal set of packages which allows me to boot
into the desktop of a desktop environment. Currently, I do a minimal
install, then install some core component, i.e. gnome-shell, and then hunt
the logs to find out which other packages are missing.

So, what about creating groups for the various desktop environments which
pull in basesystem + xorg + mesa drivers + displaymanager + bare desktop

Advantages I see are:
* Users can quickly set up test environments for various desktop
* It would make side-by-side installation of desktop environments more
* It might help considering enabling the yum option
"clean_requirements_on_remove=1" by default, since even if something goes
wrong, the user will not end up with a missing desktop next time he or she
* It might help fixing some package dependencies


Would save me lots of time. :-) I really don't like providing space for or installing and constantly updating packages that never get used on test installations.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

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