On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 02:54:14PM +0400, Eugene Pivnev wrote: > Sorry for newbee question, but I can't find how to control packaging > depending on distro. > Something like this: > > %if 0%{?centos_version} || 0%{?rhel_version} > %define have_polkit 0 > %define have_lightdm 0 > %else
There exits %fedora and %rhel macros with the major version number, but only on the corresponding distros. So use something like: %if 0%{?rhel} > 6 || 0{?fedora>} > 12 %define have_polkit 1 %define have_lightdm 1 %else ... Note that 0{?rhel} < 7 is TRUE on Fedora release (as %rhel is undefined), so you should be extremely careful with this lind of expressions. You then may want to use something like %if 0%{?rhel} && 0{?rhel} < 7 Note that CentOS also has %rhel defined so there is no need (and it is not recommended either) to use %centos (although it exists too). -- -- Jos Vos <j...@xos.nl> -- X/OS Experts in Open Systems BV | Phone: +31 20 6938364 -- Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Fax: +31 20 6948204 -- devel mailing list devel@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel