On 15/04/13 10:10 -0400, Steve Grubb wrote:
> I would say there is a place for SE Linux even if we compiled everything with 
> "all" because FORTIFY_SOURCE coverage is not absolute. For example, about a 
> month ago i ran the following test:
> procs=`ls /proc | grep '^[0-9]' | sort -n`
> for p in $procs
> do
>       res=`cat /proc/$p/maps 2>/dev/null |  awk '$2 ~ "wx" { print $2 }'`
>       if [ x"$res" != "x" ] ; then
>               cat /proc/$p/cmdline | awk '{ printf "%-35s\t", $1 }'
>               printf "%s\n" "$p"
>       fi
> done
> What this does is display the programs with Writable and Executable memory. 
> All Fedora desktops except Mate have WX memory. (I checked KDE, Gnome, 
> Cinnamon, and Mate.)

FWIW, LXDE seems to be fine as well (if polkitd and firefox are not counted

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