Am 03.04.2013 01:50, schrieb John Reiser:
>> It does rather seem like we should consider just killing it [prelink], at 
>> least by default.
> Prelinking shortens the time between execve() and first useful output

in theory

> A prelinked module reduces time spent in ld-linux, and increases sharing
> of pages (which reduces time spent in kernel duplicating copy-on-write pages.)
> The savings are *visible* when invoking an interactive GUI program that has
> dozens of shared libraries, or when several hundred smaller executables
> are invoked each second, such as some 'make' clouds, etc.

not noticeable compared with the security flaws

> Some systems want those savings, and are willing to pay with slightly
> less protection via reduced ASLR.

then THIS SYSTEMS shoudk install prelink
but not install it AS DEFAULT

> Some administrators compensate
> by running a full prelink daily, and a partial prelink of "hot" modules
> (glibc, ...) a few times during the day, even as often as hourly;
> and with parameters to reduce interference with modules which are
> not being [re-]prelinked during the current run

fine they should do what they want

but as DEFAULT anything which beats ASLR is UNACCEPTABLE these days

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