On 19 March 2013 11:03, Marc Deop i Argemí <m...@marcdeop.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday 19 March 2013 09:27:16 Christof Damian wrote:
>> > Fixing an apostrophe – no
Umlaut, not apostrophe.

>> > Fixing our UTF-8 handling – definitely yes

> The issue here is not only about the Fedora's release name rather than
> fixing our UTF-8 handling. Sounds like an important bug to fix, at least to
> me

I generally haven't had problems with UTF-8 stuff, though of course
I'm not a heavy user (which is not the same as not using it). However
are the bug or bugs in question serious enough that introducing a
change which will require them to be fixed before the next release is
only a minor compounding factor? Because we're not talking about not
improving unicode handling, we're talking about backing off a change
which causes problems with things as they are at the minute.

Or, to put it another way, for Fedora 18, Fedora got a lot of
publicity for being late to release. The project was able to say,
quite reasonably, "The installer has undergone a major rewrite, and we
want to make sure all the problems are ironed out first." For Fedora
19 do we want to say, "We're late to release because we wanted to put
an 'ö' in the release name."?

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