On 03/15/2013 12:16 PM, Neal Becker wrote:
I don't think users would expect that install of dnf would without asking (or
control) automatically run dnf-makecache.

At least, this should be controllable via /etc/sysconfig.  Further, I think it's
not consistent with Fedora practice to enable this on default by installing the

Hi Neal, hi Thread,

This is a legit concern yet majority of people appreciates having the metadata handy and only a minority worries about the traffic.

An option should be added to /etc/dnf/dnf.conf to turn this off. The default will stay on. I've opened a bugzilla for this:


A move to systemd timer units is also in the pipe (there are still some minor issues to settle first)

What I would like to see at some point, and strongly believe it is the right, generic and simple solution for many similar cases, is to have NetworkManager let user decide what network connections are suitable for tasks like this (but also many others, including regular backups and other syncing tasks) and which are not:


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