
I am looking for some valgrind users that want to try out the latest
valgrind package in rawhide.

If you use valgrind please try out the new valgrind-3.8.1-10.fc19
version in rawhide. It is the first version that puts the debuginfo in a
separate valgrind-debuginfo package (this saves ~35MB from the main
packages). http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=399059

Upstream used to recommend against stripping debuginfo from the valgrind
vg preload libraries because it produced less usable warning/error
messages. But since a long time now valgrind intercepts are done in a
different way and just having the dynsym symbols around should be

Please let me know (or file a bug report) if using the new valgrind
package from rawhide gives less useful warnings/errors (and whether
installing valgrind-debuginfo solves any of such issues).



BTW. I also backported some issues that showed up with the new kernel
and glibc to the f18 valgrind package, but obviously not the debuginfo
separation. Testers for valgrind-3.8.1-9.fc18 currently in
updates-testing also welcome. But this update should just contains
benign bugfixes since it is targetted for stable.

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