On 09/02/13 01:03 AM, Kevin Kofler wrote:
Adam Williamson wrote:
...but as Rahul said, they all allow you to log in to any desktop. There
seems to be a meme in this thread that GDM does not, but that's not
correct, it does. The choice is not visible unless you actually have
multiple desktops installed, but when you do, it gives you the option.
Last I checked, GDM also hid that feature so well that many users missed it.
In fact, unless this changed recently, when you input your user name, the
option is NOT shown, it only appears after you confirm your user name,
during the password prompt.
Well, yes, that's true. How does that count as 'well hidden'? It's not
like you can login without entering your password.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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