On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 07:59:22PM +0000, Ian Malone wrote:
> In the end, more than any usability quibbles, the best reason to give
> up on a project is when it refuses to listen to its end users.

The GNOME release notes over various cycles have listed loads of changes
which have been made based on the things that have been learned. This
happened during 2.x as well as 3.x.

Although you do not explicitly state it, it seems you were talking about
GNOME. Vincent Untz phrased it much better than I ever could, but he
basically pointed at the "Power Off". You can also read the release
notes for loads of other changes.

If you see the development version of 3.8, you'll note an entire new
workflow that is introduced.

See above for some pointers and concrete data.

I guess you assume because choices are made and that you cannot do
everything (or whatever you requested), that this implies that no user
is listened to.

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