05.02.2013 19:58, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 05.02.2013 16:49, schrieb Jochen Schmitt:
On Tue, Feb 05, 2013 at 10:30:50AM -0500, Colin Walters wrote:

2) Modern Windows updates are safer than RPM, speaking broadly

show me a upgrade of production machines from F9 to F17
without end in a inconsistent system on windows - you
can't, i have been there

windows is missing anything like transaction-checks
tp prevent one "package" is overwriting files of
a different one, has no package-deps over the
complete system

tune2fs 1.42.3 (14-May-2012)
Filesystem volume name:   /
Last mounted on:          /
Filesystem UUID:          918f24a7-bc8e-4da5-8a23-8800d510442
Filesystem features:      has_journal ext_attr resize_inode dir_index filetype 
needs_recovery extent flex_bg
sparse_super large_file uninit_bg dir_nlink
Filesystem created:       Mon Aug 18 06:48:05 2008

3.7.3-101.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jan 18 17:40:57 UTC 2013

and as you can see above this was installed with F9 in 2008
I have longer history. On my old desktop at home I have installed now Fedora 16 (plan upgrade) which was always only upgraded, no reinstalls at all. And so history starts from far ~2002. Initially it was ASPLinux [1] (Fedora Core derivation) and then cross-repo upgrade on Fedora Core 2. After that only upgrades.

I can't say what all was very smoothly and without problems. I remember 2 times when it does not boot and I had been forced start troubleshoot and resurrect system. But in most cases upgrade was mostly easy. And I awaiting doing it just more easy and more robust, not drop such really great capability from Linux world!

[1] http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=asp <http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=asp>
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