On Thursday 31 of January 2013 14:02:44 Martin Sourada wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Jan 2013 12:43:58 +0000
> Jóhann B. Guðmundsson wrote:
> > On 01/31/2013 12:28 PM, Martin Sourada wrote:
> > > Hi Marina,
> > > 
> > > On Thu, 31 Jan 2013 13:14:41 +0100
> > > 
> > > Marina Latini wrote:
> > >> Hi all,
> > >> I'm an Ambassador and this proposal is confusing me.
> > >> We have LibreOffice in our repositories; I think that bring back
> > >> Apache OpenOffice generates only confusion between users, not
> > >> freedom of choice.
> > > 
> > > The confusion is already there in Windows world, linux user should
> > > be more capable of treating it as freedom of choice instead of
> > > confusion.
> > 
> > Why do you think that? I observer exactly the same confusion with
> > GNU/Linux users
> I think GNU/Linux users are generally more knowledgeable about computers
> in general and unlike in widows where you need to follow the same steps
> for installing either, most linuxes (is that correct plural?) have only
> LibreOffice in their repos now, so there is less room for confusion. If
> it's going to be properly marketed as different office suite for us it
> won't probably be much different to choosing between LibreOffice and
> KOffice (or whatever it's called now).
> > I thought it went there, to it's "Elephants' graveyard" to bit rot
> > and have it's inevitable slow and painful death after being affected
> > by the Oracle plague...
> Well, that's what I though too, until they took it out and released
> couple of new versions as well as plans for 4.0 release.
> > > I think it's beneficial to provide Fedora users with the choice of
> > > installing either, or even both, provided there's enough interest
> > > among the devs to make it so. From a user point of view, I think the
> > > main manpower for F19 should go into getting it into repos and
> > > solving *all* conflicts. They should be parallel installable and
> > > should not conflict even at runtime with each other. Especially the
> > > runtime conflicts would be really confusing to (some of) our users.
> > 
> > Why now? Why was that not done in the past when libreoffice got
> > introduced ( as in shipping both ) to avoid the confusion that will
> > be caused by this?
> Well, because LibreOffice continued where OpenOffice.org stopped. Now
> (actually some time ago), Apache OpenOffice continued in a different
> direction than LibreOffice, even if from the same starting point. So we
> are in a different situation than back then. And Apache isn't Oracle,
> it's in much better hands now.

And it's the same situation as with MariaDB and MySQL. Fedora is going to 
prefer MariaDB (FESCo stated it clearly yesterday) - so we should try to make 
an effort to support MariaDB and not for example force users to use both just 
to run system. But on the other hand - if there's someone (and both are from 
upstream), who's going to take a burden of maintainance - why not? It can 
fail, they will loose interest one day - yes, could happen. And there's 
possibility that these projects even coming from same roots will diverge and 
become totally different projects...

So +1 ;-)


> Maritn

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