
On 24 January 2013 11:31, Christophe Fergeau <cferg...@redhat.com> wrote:

> http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/WindowsGuestDrivers/Download_Drivers
> My understanding is that they are based on the git repo linked there if
> this is the information you want.

Unfortunately no, they're totally different than the one Fedora provides.
The one Fedora provides follow the same versioning of the RHEL ones except
they're not WHQL signed.

An example; netkvm for xp in the git repo:

DriverVer = 03/15/2007,

In the Fedora iso:


This is the RHEL numbering, where the ".64." means it's slated for the RHEL
6.4 inclusion.

Also if you fetch this [1], on which the fedora iso are based, it unpacks
as "internal-kvm-guest-drivers-windows" and the changelog is totally
different. The 2 source codes are totally unrelated, they are separate
repositories. The one on github seems a repository where some fixes are
tested, that's all.


> > For this use case, all they need to do is to grab the spice-guest-tools
> > > installer and run that, the mess you describe is the exact reason why
> I'm
> > > building this installer.
> > >
> >
> > The installer works good and is a very nice addition, but the QXL drivers
> > do not work, as it's not signed.
> I'm not sure how to test whether it's signed or not, but I just tested that
> the driver works in a winxp 32 bit install.

That's exactly the problem, XP allows unsigned drivers; windows 7 doesn't.

> > To summarize, what would be nice to have is the addition of recently
> built
> > Spice Agents and signed QXL drivers in the Fedora iso.
> I'm not sure qxl + spice agent really belongs in the virtio-win ISO on
> alt.fedoraproject.org, as these virtio drivers can be useful to people not
> using SPICE at all.

I don't know, I don't understand why a user should choose a worst user
experience when they could have it better with the same functionality. I
mean, using QXL/Spice with virt-manager does not have any drawback compared
to Cirrus+VNC. The client is different, but on the contrary there are only

Anyway the problem leads back to the QXL drivers; if the latest QXL drivers
were signed and parked at spice-space.org it would not be a big deal even
if not included in the iso; but unfortunately they are not.

However, if you are willing to build such an ISO from
> the bits and pieces from this virtio-win ISO and from spice-space.org, it
> would make sense to provide it alongside the spice-guest-tools installer on
> spice-space.org.

I will do, a new "52" iso has come out for Fedora. Waiting on your Spice
Guest Tools 0.4 with latest Balloon Service and latest Spice Agent. :D

Many thanks.

You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of
the shore (R. W. Emerson).
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