As decided by FESCo on 2012-12-05 meeting, all proposed Features are required to pass through the community review by announcing them on devel-announce list. FESCo votes on new features no sooner than a week from the announcement.
= Features/GCC48 = * Detailed description: GCC 4.8.0 is going to be released in mid March to mid April and is currently in regression bugfix only mode. I've performed a test mass rebuild on x86_64 with gcc-4.8.0-0.1.fc19, out of 12712 packages 11687 built successfully, 933 packages failed to build both with gcc-4.8.0-0.1.fc19 and gcc-4.7.2-9.fc19 (thus unlikely gcc related), 67 packages failed due to issues on the side of the packages, 22 failed due to bugs on the gcc side that should be fixed already in gcc-4.8.0-0.3.fc19 and 3 failed due to issues still to be fixed on the GCC side. See for details. Once gcc-4.8.0-* is built into Fedora, after a few days or weeks a mass rebuild should be performed. _______________________________________________ devel-announce mailing list -- devel mailing list