On 01/08/2013 09:15 PM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:

I've whipped up the early ideas of a way to replace (most) spins with
something that is more generic and useful. I have signed up for a
fudcon session to brainstorm on this idea and see if it can be beaten
into a plan/schedule/feature, or if it's not going to work for whatever

I have a very brainstormy/draft wiki page outlining the idea at:

The short version:

Setup a infrastructure/framework around a collection of ansible
playbooks to allow our users to simply download a formula for what they
want to do and have a curated setup made for them using Fedora

Want a electionics lab setup? download. review. answer some
questions. click.
Want a LAMP stack? download. review. answer some questions. click.
Want a openstack demo cluster? ditto.
Want a graphics designer workstation? ditto.

Note that this assumes you have already installed Fedora, it's a post
install setup. This would mean that we should continue to do spins for
various desktops as people may way to install their desktop as a base
before adding on formulas.

Of course there's tons of details/questions to work out (many listed on
the wiki page, but I'm sure there are more details too).

So, what do folks think? Workable? Crazy? Crazy enough to work?


Most spins don't do anything really special apart from install a default set of packages. Maybe this is because of the limitations of kickstart, I don't know.

Coming from the Fedora Audio spin here's a few things that we would like to achieve that we can (mostly) from a kickstart:

 - add default groups for the liveuser and logged in user
 - add extra kernel boot parameters (threadirqs)
- custom desktop themes, favourites, and desktop settings (turning off desktop effects for example)
 - default autostart apps

The main problem we have with kickstarts at the moment is that there is no way (according to current packaging guidelines) to alter files owned by other packages. In the future we might like to choose different pulseaudio modules to load, ALSA config based on hardware etc. I don't see how this solution could do this if it were RPM based. If is based as some kind of overlay that alters files owned by other packages post install then there needs to be an obvious indication that this has occurred. I'd expect that whoever writes such a "formula" would have to get sign off from the owner of the package whose files it modifies.

We are working around this by developing an application which the user has to run and is prompted to confirm such changes. Such a program could be configured to run once at startup I guess. This is a work in progress and not in production yet.

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