On Dec 20, 2012, at 10:41 AM, Nicolas Mailhot <nicolas.mail...@laposte.net> 

> Le Mer 19 décembre 2012 20:26, Chris Murphy a écrit :
>> If you have a b&w display and only b&w printers, then colord would still
>> enable something useful. But I suspect you have at least one color
>> display.
> colord is not just 'colors'. Calibration includes white/black points and
> gray depth

Which is why I mentioned it's useful without color.

colord builds display profiles from display EDID, so you can get better results 
than doing nothing (no conversions) by in fact doing nothing (no user 
involvement); you don't need a colorimeter to benefit from this, although 
you'll probably get even better results if you do have one.

And everybody who uses a web browser or prints to a printer will ultimately be 
better served by colord. It is not just for pros or some esoteric use cases.

Chris Murphy
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