Tons of updates to the webapp!

Much appreciation goes out to Nico, Mark, Animesh, and Kendhia (all
cc'd) who have all added all of the following features recently.

In no particular order:

- Now hosted on Openshift!!!

- Integrated it w/ jenkins so whenever we push to the 'stable' branch in
git, the openshift instance gets automatically updated. (meaning quicker

- Began visualizations, for example see the packages a fedora user
maintains in bubbles whose size is proportional to the number of commits
in git:

- Now has a timeline of all gem / rpm activity (from both upstream and
on the fedora side)

- Began gamification: added code to import the fedora user maintaining
the package and are starting to display this info in various ways, such
as with badges:

- Static content and better styling, some of the blank pages are now
flushed out

- Started adding i18n support for internationalized text

- Added better error pages for http 404, 500, etc

Of course the app is still in development so if you want to see anything
just shout out or send a pull request!


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