Hello all,

Having just been kindly sponsored by Kalev, I guess it's time for the obligatory Self Introduction :)
First some background stuff: I'm from Switzerland, and have just 
received my degree in Computational Sciences and Engineering from ETH. 
I've been a Fedora user since F11, and have now been running rawhide for 
the past year. I've been active in the open source community here and 
there mainly in the past two or three years, some more recent 
contributions include adapting the gtkspell code for gtk3 (and becoming 
an upstream maintainer for the project), as well as a number of patches 
to some KDE projects. I'm also the author of gImageReader, a simple OCR 
scanning application, the gtk3 port of which I'm hoping to release (and 
bring into Fedora) soon. Otherwise I'm mainly active developing C++ 
simulations with some occasional OpenGL graphics and cross-platform Qt 
GUIs (thanks to the awesome work of the mingw team!), and also like 
playing around with AVR microcontrollers. Other activities I enjoy doing 
include sailing skiffs, playing around with electronically stabilized 
hydrofoils [1], swimming and mountain-biking.
As far as Fedora is concerned, I've just become co-maintainer for 
gtkspell3. Some things I'd like to work on in the future are bringing 
gImageReader into Fedora, once I manage a release, and more generally 
bringing a number of scientific software (some of which I've already 
packaged for personal usage) into the distribution, some examples 
include Xfoil, Xrotor and AVL [2], and I'd also like to give a shot at 
OpenFOAM, along with some mesh generators (though most will need to go 
into rpmfusion due to the OCE dependency). I'd also be happy to help out 
with KDE packages.
I guess that's all for now!


[1] http://www.hydrofoils.ch/
[2] http://web.mit.edu/drela/Public/web/

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